Gov. Scott signs budget that supports Cecil Spaceport

June 3, 2014

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Gov. Rick Scott signed a $77 billion budget into law on Monday, which includes $2 million to build infrastructure necessary for the development of Cecil Spaceport.

According to a Jacksonville Aviation Authority news release, JAA is appreciative of the support provided by the Florida Legislature, including members of the First Coast Legislative Delegation, the Florida Department of Transportation and Space Florida.

“This is an important step in the development of Cecil Spaceport,” said JAA Executive Director and CEO Steve Grossman. “The state’s support for Cecil and this developing industry is critical. If the commercial space industry doesn’t come to Cecil, it will likely not come to Florida for at least another four or five years.” 

In December 2013, JAA signed its first tenant agreement at Cecil Spaceport with Atlanta-based Generation Orbit Launch Services, Inc. (GO), the release said. The test flights are expected to begin at Cecil in August, with operational launches anticipated in 2016.



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