Aviation Statistics

Dashboard Metrics

 - JAX Traffic Statistics

Dashboard Metrics AUG-2022 SEP-2023OCT-2023NOV-2023DEC-2023JAN-2024
Passenger Arrivals 302,839 291,981 314,902 316,374 313,314 265,498
Passenger Departures 304,553 292,007 325,4251 317,760 317,987 264,696
Total Arrivals and Departures 607,392 583,988 640,327 634,134 631,301 530,194
Monthly Operating Revenues 10,454,126 10,749,770 10,526,640 10,697,922 10,534,639 11,092,055
Monthly Operating Expenses 5,936,744 6,758,926 5,779,625 6,022,841 5,248,189 6,506,708
Landed Weights in Pounds (000's) 392,165 370,506 397,832 392,072 410,966 355,219

Click Here for a detailed report of the Current Month's Statistics based on
fiscal year (October-September) information.
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