June 5, 2013
Daily Record
The Jacksonville Aviation Authority will host its inaugural JAXEX Runway 5K on Saturday at Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport.
The event will feature a 5K run beginning at 7:30 a.m. and a one-mile fun run at 8:30 a.m. A portion of both race courses will include the airport runway, which will be closed to air traffic during the event.
Proceeds from the event will be presented to the USO later this year during the dedication of the James E. Craig Memorial Pavilion at JAXEX.
Craig, the namesake of the airport, was a Jacksonville native killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
The Greater Jacksonville Area USO provides support and services to local military members and their families.
"The JAA is thrilled to support our troops and their families through our first-ever 5K event. We're so proud of our local military and appreciate all of the sacrifices they make to keep our country safe," said airport Manager Tiffany Gillem.
For information or to register for the event, visit jaxexrunway5K.com. The registration is $30.
Source: http://bit.ly/1bdbcMn